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Amani Jebali

After several years of consulting in Digital Transformation & Innovation for different market segments, I became, in 2022, Manager of Open Source Pole at Sofrecom Tunisia (Part of Orange Group). I am leading projects and studies based on Open Source solutions and collaborating with different entities of Orange Group as well as the French Open Source ecosystem (Users, Makers and Associations (TOSIT & OW2)).

  • Tunisia as invited country
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Anca Bobes

BIDM (Business Intelligence & Data Management) manager, with role of Product Owner on Data Visualization services within Orange Group Innovation (Superset open source & Power BI editor). More than 15 years experience. Grew from data analysis, business analysis to project management & management. Changed and adapted to environments from classic data environments to Big Data & Cloud.
Background of projects managed within the team: BI / Marketing / IT , with a team of project leaders, business analysts & BI developers.

  • SUPERSET open source for data visualization in Orange Group
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Anca Dumitru

Member of the BIDM (Business Intelligence and Data Management) for almost 10 years. Have been involved in several Data Visualization projects using tools like QlikView or Superset as a data analyst and BI developer. Currently working on the Data Visualization Service in Orange Group Innovation based on open source Apache Superset.

  • SUPERSET open source for data visualization in Orange Group
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Andrey Sitnik

The creator of PostCSS, Autoprefixer, and Logux

  • Privacy-first architecture
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Benjamin JEAN

Known for his work on open source, open data and digital commons, Benjamin Jean is currently CEO of inno³, an independent consultancy specialising in open models at the intersection of private (industrial and social economy), public (administrations and municipalities) and community actors.

Strongly mobilised by the opportunities offered by these open models in the digital transformation of professions and major industrial sectors, Benjamin Jean regularly intervenes as an expert at several events and conferences on these topics.

In addition to his full-time job at inno3, he teaches intellectual property law at several universities, is a Master Conferences at Science Po and works as a consultant at the law firm Vercken & Gaullier. He is also present in several free software communities, administrator of Framasoft, and co-founder of Veni Vidi Libri and the annual conference cycle " European Open source & Free Software Law Event " (EOLE).

  • Creating Value with Open Source: Supporting Research Practices and Empowering Technology Transfer Approaches
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Camille Moulin

Camille has been an Open Source and Open Standards advocate for quite a few years now; he is currently working as a consultant at Inno³, a French niche consultancy specialized in all things Open from an IP & organisational point of view.

  • Round table : Forthcoming regulation of the European software industry
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Charles Severance

Charles is a Clinical Professor and teaches in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. He is also a long-time advocate of open source educational technology and open educational resources to empower teachers. He teaches a number of popular Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) including Python for Everybody - the most popular online programming course in the world on the Coursera and edX platforms.

He is the Chair of the Sakai Project Management Committee (PMC). Previously he was the Executive Director of the Sakai Foundation and the Chief Architect of the Sakai Project and worked with the IMS Global Learning Consortium promoting and developing standards like Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) for teaching and learning technology.

  • Open Accessibility for Open Source
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Chris Knapp

Chris Knapp is an accessibility consultant/tester who operates a disability-owned business called Accessiversity. Chris joined the Sakai community in 2020 to help out with accessibility testing/quality assurance, and now serves as The Sakai Accessibility Team Lead. As someone who is statutorily blind and has to rely on screen readers and other assistive technology to interact with a complex web application like Sakai, Chris is uniquely positioned to understand and articulate the specific needs of these users, while providing for an authentic accessibility experience. Chris is also a member of the Sakai PMC.

  • Open Accessibility for Open Source
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Christian Paterson

Christian is an open source strategy and OSPO expert with many years of experience. He is internationally respected and has peer-reviewed or participated in three books about open source. Christian has served on the OW2 board for many years and, in 2023, became board president. Christian currently coordinates the OW2 MiniApp Initiative, participates in the OW2 Good Governance Initiative (which he spearheaded) and OSPO Alliance, and previously created the OW2 Open Source Accessibility Initiative. In 2020, Christian founded the strategy consultancy "Open Up" (before this, he was head of the Open Source Governance for Orange). Christian holds diplomas in neurobiology and cognitive science. Out of hours, he enjoys walks, gardening, current affairs, and the occasional video game.

  • Why free and open source software is fundamentally capitalist and how that makes sense for business
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Clément Aubin

I'm a passionate Open Source contributor. You can find me usually within the XWiki and OpenFoodFacts communities, at OW2 or at FOSDEM, in the Collaboration devroom.

On my day job, I'm working at XWiki SAS as director of sales and professional services, to build FOSS knowledge management solutions XWiki and CryptPad.

  • openDesk - The Open Source collaborative suite
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Clément Oudot, Worteks

Identity Solutions Manager by Worteks

Contribute to LemonLDAP::NG, LDAP Tool Box, LSC, FusionIAM.

  • FusionIAM - a full Open Source Identity & Access Management solution
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Erik Mols

Ir. Erik Mols has been teaching open source technologies for 20 years. From programming languages like Python and Java to database technologies like PostgreSQL. Erik has developed many IT educational courses and is one of the founders of OS-SCi. In december 2022 Erik became the CEO of OS-SCi

  • Open Source Higher Education, training of open source engineers
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Fabrice Mouhartem

I’m an R&D Engineer at XWiki, working on the CryptPad project. However before that I was working in both research and education, having done a PhD in cryptology and more specifically in privacy-preserving provably-secure cryptographic constructions, as well as giving courses pertaining (or not) to this topic in different places.

From this experience, I want to improve CryptPad to fit the needs of both users who cares about their privacy as well as actors in the domain of research and education.

  • CryptPad for Research and Education
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Frank Karlitschek - Nextcloud ‏‏‎ ‎


  • KEYNOTE: What the AI revolution means for Open Source, Open Tech and Open Societies
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Frédéric Pied

Head of IT modernization program & Head of opensource strategy at MAIF.

Founded 85 years ago, MAIF has developed a human-centred mutual insurance model. Each member is both insurer and insured. This singularity has been reflected since our origins in our organization, our missions, our actions. We offer a different, responsible and efficient model, based on trust. Our opensource strategy cover 4 challenges : promotion of opensources solutions instead of private licenced solutions, contribution to opensource project that we use, edition of opensource solutions (https://maif.github.io/) and contribution to opensource usages developpement in French big compagnies.

  • 3 TOSIT's organizations trying to initiate different ways of financing or contributing strongly to open source
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Gilles Rouvier

Attorney before the Paris Bar since 1995, expert in IT - IP
Founding Partner of Lawways in 2006

For more than 25 years, Gilles has developed a specific and specialized expertise, in the sector of new technologies and their development, and more particularly in software, ownership of IP, protection of personal data and IT contract’s. Before creating Lawways in early 2006, he worked with international law firms – August Debouzy, Gide Loyrette Nouel – but also in the legal departments of global industrial and financial groups. His career for several years at the heart of the business, notably at General Electric (GE) in the Medical Systems and Finance activities, has allowed him to acquire a concrete understanding of the needs of companies and an economic vision of legal issues, and to bring real added value to the solutions he offers to the clients of the firm.

Gilles is President of Cyberlex “French association of Law and New Technologies”
He’s also President of the Tech and M&A Committee of ITechLaw (a US non-profit organization - “International Technology Law Association”).
Ranked in Chambers and Partners 2023 as recognized practitioner in TMT Information Technology

• Intellectual property
• IT contracts
• Open Source
• Artificial intelligence
• Personal data
• Business secrecy
• Web3

• Winner of the contest General in Business Law (Panthéon Assas University, Paris II – 1990)
• DEA in Business Law (Panthéon Assas University, Paris II – 1992)
• DESS in Industrial Property Law (Panthéon Assas University, Paris II – 1994)
• US Business Law, Communication (UCLA – 2002)
• Certificate of Aptitude for the Profession of Lawyer (EFB – 1994)

French and English

  • Open Source in the new European regulation on Artificial Intelligence
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Gilles Viton

to be completed

  • 3 TOSIT's organizations trying to initiate different ways of financing or contributing strongly to open source
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Gruson Daniel Célya

Consultant and research-practitioner at Inno3, a consulting company specialized in open models ( open data, open source, open science). In charge of the research projects (Fundings, etc.).

  • Creating Value with Open Source: Supporting Research Practices and Empowering Technology Transfer Approaches
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Inge Donkervoort

Inge Donkervoort was originally a teacher. After a few years she started working as a consultant for the government and in businesses. She became interested in applying ICT for online communication, collaboration and online learning with schools, governments, health care institutions and companies and in 2010 she started her own business in online learning. Inge is director/owner from DLearning. She develops online learning materials for the organisations she works with and teaches them how to use Xerte, considering their goals and target group. Since 2009 Inge has been involved in the Xerte project working on various elements including the translation tool - the internationalization part. Since a few year now Inge is working also with learning analytics and adaptive learning connected to Xerte.

  • Huh Xerte? What´s that?
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Iraklis Varlamis

Iraklis Varlamis is a Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telematics of HUA in the area of Data Management. He holds a Ph.D. from Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, and an MSc in Information Systems Engineering from UMIST UK. His research interests range from data mining and social network analytics to recommender systems for social media and real-world applications. He has more than 260 articles published in international journals and conferences and more than 5100 citations on his work. He holds a patent from the Greek Patent Office for a system that thematically groups web documents using content and links. He is the scientific coordinator for HUA in several EU (H2020, ECSEL, REC) projects. He has a leading role in national projects in collaboration with researchers from other HUA departments and other universities.

  • FOSSbot: An open-source and open-design educational robot, supported by a coding platform and an emulator
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Jean-Luc Marini

With over 30 years' experience in the field of AI within major French and international groups, as well as start-ups, Jean-Luc Marini joined the OpenStudio workforce in 2021 as R&D Director and Branch Manager in Lyon. Jean-Luc Marini is a mathematician, computer scientist and has a doctorate in information and communication sciences. His keen interest in teaching also led him to spend 25 years as an associate professor, responsible for a Master's degree in Information Systems Management at IAE Lyon. He was also a member of the Magellan research centre.

  • Open Science community and Open Source ecosystem : identifying and overcoming points of friction in the implementation of joint projects
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Jehan Monnier, Belledonne Communications

After having worked during 9 years in the telecom division of Hewlett Packard, Simon Morlat, the original author of the Linphone project, founded Belledonne Communications in 2010 with Jehan Monnier. Since then, Simon is holding positions in technical direction and management.

  • XCON CCMP, an open protocol for controlling an open source video conferencing server.
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Julien Déramond

Julien Déramond is a front-end software engineer at Orange, currently as the Tech Lead of Orange Design System and the Lead Developer of its web framework, Boosted. Additionnally, he contributes and maintains several open-source projects within Orange. Previously, he worked on embedded development in Qt/QML for Set-Top Boxes (STBs) and developed numerous C/C++ Web Services as Apache Modules.

In his spare time, Julien is an active contributor to Bootstrap since 2021, and has been a core team member since 2022. He likes contributing back to upstream open-source projects whenever possible and creates content related to open source.

  • Orange Open-Source Design System and Its Bootstrap Fork
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Kevin Cortial

A graduate of the University of Clermont Auvergne in Mathematics and Applied Computer Science, Kévin CORTIAL went on to study Data Science. After a year at Michelin's research and development centre, he joined OpenStudio in 2020. He is currently working on a CIFRE thesis on graph learning methods applied to industrial resilience with OpenStudio and the Institut Pascal of the UCA.

  • Open Science community and Open Source ecosystem : identifying and overcoming points of friction in the implementation of joint projects
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Marco Antonio Stranisci

Marco Antonio Stranisci is a post-doc researcher in Computer Science in Turin and founder of aequa-tech.

  • Debunker Assistant: a Support for Detecting Online Disinformation
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Mariem Saidi

Réferent technique et relais Open Source au sein de Sofrecom Tunisie

  • Tunisia as invited country
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Maxime Besson

Systems Engineer at Worteks

  • Maintaining free software without selling out
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Méven Car

Michael runs Collabora's Productivity division making Open Source rock around Office Productivity and documents, particularly Collabora Online and other products based on LibreOffice.

Michael is a Christian and enthusiastic Open Source developer. He runs Collabora's Office division, leading our Collabora Online and Office products, supporting customers and partners alongside our extremely talented team. He has served as a Director of the The Document Foundation and has contributed to both ODF and OOXML standardization. Prior to Collabora he gained a wide experience as a Novell/SUSE Distinguished Engineer working on various pieces of Free Software infrastructure across the Linux stack to from the base-system, boot-time, MeeGo, GNOME, CORBA, Nautilus, Evolution and Open Source accessibility, among others.

  • Unleash the Power of COOL: Seamless Integration, Cutting-Edge Features and Empowered Collaboration for your Documents
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Michel-Marie Maudet

Michel-Marie MAUDET is a leading figure in the Open Source community, co-founding and leading LINAGORA for over twenty years. This company stands as a beacon in the Open Source software and service industry, and is a major private investor in Open Source R&D across France, Vietnam, and Tunisia. LINAGORA offers a significant alternative to global tech giants by providing innovative solutions that empower businesses and governments towards digital sovereignty.

His career started in 1995 at the French Ministry of Defense, diving into systems engineering and discovering a deep passion for Open Source technologies in the early '90s. Michel-Marie has been dedicated to promoting the use of LINUX and Open Source, emphasizing the importance of open standards.

Recognizing the challenges and opportunities presented by Artificial Intelligence, LINAGORA launched LinTO, an Open Source personal assistant, in 2016. 2023, Michel-Marie further advanced his mission by founding the OpenLLM France (https://www.openllm-france.fr/) community, aiming to create a sovereign, transparent, and Open Source French LLM to challenge the dominance of major tech corporations and support the digital independence of France and Europe.

Michel-Marie’s vision extends beyond technology; he sees Open Source AI as a crucial tool for economic growth, job creation, and the competitiveness of strategic industries in Europe. His work champions a new path for digital innovation—one that is open, ethical, and responsible.

  • From OpenLLM France to OpenLLM Europe: Paving the way to sovereign and open source AI
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Miguel Pellicer
  • The S2U Unidigital Project, a great example of cooperation between universities
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Milovann Yanatchkov

I have double carrier as architect (buildings) and open source developer since the early 2000s. Today, digital and ecological issues are the two main themes of my research in the field of systemic design.

  • A new kind of forge in design and education
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Narjes Mahjoub

Passionate about technology and innovation, my journey began as a local scout leader and co-founder of a tech association, leading me to my current role as a business analyst where I have the opportunity to be immersed in the Open Source ecosystem. I'm thrilled to be part of the OW2 community and open source world!

  • Tunisia as invited country
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Patrick Masson

Patrick Masson joined The Apereo Foundation as Executive Director in January 2023. Prior to Apereo, Patrick served as General Manager for the Open Source Initiative after working within higher education IT for over twenty years, including roles as CIO within the State University of New York and CTO at the University of Massachusetts' Office of the President. Prior to these, he served as the Director of Technology at the SUNY Learning Network and Director of the UCLA Media Lab.

Patrick is an adjunct instructor with SUNY Albany's College of Computing and Information and speaks frequently on topics related to open source software, open education, and educational technology. Patrick is the co-founder of EDUCAUSE's "Openness" Constituency Group and served on his local school board from 2014-2018.

  • KEYNOTE: Heading Back to School: Open Source Success for Communities, Campuses, and Companies.
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Pierre-Yves Gibello, OW2


  • Closing Session
  • Event opening
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Renée Ridgway

Renée Ridgway is a Post-Doc in the SHAPE centre at the department of Digital Design and Information Studies/BTECH, Aarhus University, DK. Presently her interdisciplinary research addresses the problematics and politics of Google search through public workshops and data visualisations, the ethical aspects of its alternatives (a.o. a forthcoming European public index), F(L)OSS sustainability developments and the so-called future of search (chatbots).

  • Ethics and values in FOSS: sustainability of open-source development, and the EU NGI vision
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Simon Clavier

Simon CLAVIER is a french Engineer whose background is electrical and biomedical engineering before specializing on IT for the last 25 years, through a wide diversity of missions, from development to governance through sysadmin.
He is working for SNCF Group since 2007, in 2013 he achieved a MBA focused on Systemic and new kinds of management and organizations and then became « Open Source Strategist ».
He is since convinced these two sujects are key factors of a successfull and sustainable digital transformation, as you have to act with people through a «reinvented organization » [1] and chose technologies you are able to control.
He is a cross-entreprises cooperation activist on Open Source : President of TOSIT (The Open Source I Trust) [2], Vice-President of the « French-Speaking PostgreSQL Cross-Enterprise Work Group » [3] and active stakeholder in the "OpenRail Association" [4].

  1. https://www.reinventingorganizations.com
  2. http://entreprises.postgresql.fr
  3. https://tosit.fr
  4. https://openrailassociation.org .
  • 3 TOSIT's organizations trying to initiate different ways of financing or contributing strongly to open source
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Simon Phipps


  • Round table : Forthcoming regulation of the European software industry
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Stanley Servical

🧙🏾‍♀️Software wizard who loves accessible testing 🐙 and coaching software craftsmanship 🧑🏾‍🎓

  • Stop under testing our web application
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Stefane Fermigier

Stefane Fermigier is a French tech entrepreneur and open source advocate. He is the founder and CEO of Abilian, a company which develops enterprise information management solutions based on open source software. Previously, he founded Nuxeo in 2000, a company which was sold in 2021 for $M150. A graduate of ENS Paris (now called ENS PSL), he holds a PhD in mathematics from Paris 7 University (now called University of Paris).

He has cofounded and led - as president/chairman, co-president/co-chairman or vice-president - several organisations dedicated to developing the open source ecosystem in France and Europe:

  • EUCLIDIA (2021)
  • APELL (2020)
  • The PyData Paris / PyParis conference (2014)
  • CNLL (2010), the French National Council of Free / Open Source Companies.
  • GTLL (2007), the business and innovation cluster for open source in the Paris Region (part of the Systematic Paris Region cluster).
  • The Open World Forum / Paris Open Source Summit (2008), yearly conference dedicated to open source and "open everything" in Paris.
  • EuroLinux (2000), a federation of European open source associations, that was formed to fight software patents between 2000 and 2005.
  • AFUL (1998), the french-speaking Linux and free software users association.

He's also the founder or a cofounder of several open source projects, including:

  • 2024: Hop3 (Python-based self-hosted cloud platform)
  • 2021: NUA (Python and Docker based self-hosted cloud platform)
  • 2016: Olapy (Python based business analytics)
  • 2012: Abilian SBE (Python based social business platform)
  • 2009: Apache Stanbol (content analysis)
  • 2009: Apache Chemistry (CMIS implementation in several languages)
  • 2007: Nuxeo EP (Java based ECM platform)
  • 2002: Nuxeo CPS (Python based collaboration suite)
  • Round table : Forthcoming regulation of the European software industry
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Stefano Maffulli


  • KEYNOTE: How we're getting the Open Source AI Definition
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Suhail Khan


  • Think Global, Code Local: Eclipse Oniro / OpenHarmony FOSS powerhouse for Mobile/IoT development
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Thierry Carrez


  • KEYNOTE: Is single-vendor open source the new proprietary?
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Tobie Langel

Tobie Langel is a world-leading expert on open source and standardization. He advises some of the biggest names in tech (Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Intel, Cisco), promising startups (Airtable, Postman, GitLab), industry organizations (OpenJS Foundation, OASIS, W3C) and nonprofits (Organization for Ethical Source, Ushahidi, Omidyar Network), pro bono or through his consultancy, UnlockOpen.

Tobie’s unique mix of deep technical expertise, open source and standardization street creds, thorough understanding of IP concerns, industry-wide network, and broad, business-focused strategic perspective makes him an ideal partner when growing thriving open ecosystems that balance private and public interests in pursuit of the common good.

  • 1 Billion Dollars for Open Source Maintainers
  • Le débat : Open Source Funding
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Tomáš Müller

Dr. Tomas Muller is a lead software engineer at Purdue University and a founding partner at UniTime, s.r.o.. His research interests include optimization, constraint programming, and constraint-based timetabling and scheduling. He is the technical lead and principal developer of the university timetabling system UniTime. He also wrote the local search-based solver used for course timetabling, examination timetabling, and student scheduling in UniTime.

  • UniTime: Comprehensive Academic Scheduling Solution
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Tristan Nitot

Tristan Nitot is an entrepreneur, book author and hacktivist who has been involved the the Mozilla project (Firefox) since its early days. He has co-founded and was president of Mozilla Europe. He was then in charge of advocacy for the Qwant European search engine before becoming its CEO. After a quick stint as Scaleway's Sustainability Lead, he is now associate director for digital commons and Anthropocene. Tristan is deeply concerned about climate change and as such he is the producer and host of the Octet Vert podcast in French, which aims at exploring the complex relationship between digital and climate change.

  • How can we run tomorrow's services on yesterday's computers?
  • European governments embracing digital commons for their sovereign suites
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Valentin D'Emmanuele

Valentin, an accomplished 5G Core Engineer, is a driving force in the realm of telecommunications. Currently employed as a 5G Core Engineer at Free Mobile, Valentin has made significant contributions to the industry. As the visionary behind the PacketRusher open-source tool, Valentin has pioneered advancements in open-source performance testing and automatic validation for 5G Core Networks. This tool has set industry standards under Valentin's stewardship. Additionally, Valentin is a valued contributor to various open-source 5G projects,

  • Democratizing 5G: Unleashing the Power of Open-Source Telecom Technologies
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Valerie Aurora

Valerie Aurora is a software engineer with 25 years of experience in open source software, currently working as a systems consultant for Bow Shock Systems in Amsterdam. She began her career as a Linux kernel developer specializing in file systems and networking. As co-founder of the Ada Initiative, she co-wrote and drove the adoption of codes of conduct in open source software. In her spare time, she writes quizzes about networking protocols and watches Dutch reality TV.

  • Plagiarism, burn-out, and gaming the system: the case for a contributions policy
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Vincent Aniort

Digital accessibility expert at Orange

  • Escape Game on digital accessibility (Breakout session)
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Vincent Untz, Centreon

Vincent bootstrapped his career thanks to his passion for open source more than 20 years ago: heavily involved in all aspects of the GNOME project, he was recruited by SUSE to keep working on what he loved. He later became involved in openSUSE and in OpenStack. His involvement in the community covered all kind of roles in various projects: contributor, reviewer, maintainer, release manager, director of a Foundation, chairman, and more! Today, Vincent is happy to mix his interests in open source, technology, people and strategy on a daily basis thanks to his role of CTO at Centreon.

  • Open Source & SaaS : a virtuous circle
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Virgile Deville, DINUM

Virgile Deville is a civic tech entrepreneur. He co-founded Open Source Politics, the principal integrator of Decidim, a FOSS citizen participation platform. Since 2023, he now advises the French Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs (DINUM) with its programs to foster collaboration with digital commons: the Citizens' Initiative Accelerator (Beta Gouv) and the Digital Commons Fund (La Suite). He teaches “Digital Commons and Public Policy” at Sciences Po Paris.

  • European governments embracing digital commons for their sovereign suites
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Yoann Roselier

I'm just Yoann

  • Escape Game on digital accessibility (Breakout session)