
Simon Clavier

Simon CLAVIER is a french Engineer whose background is electrical and biomedical engineering before specializing on IT for the last 25 years, through a wide diversity of missions, from development to governance through sysadmin.
He is working for SNCF Group since 2007, in 2013 he achieved a MBA focused on Systemic and new kinds of management and organizations and then became « Open Source Strategist ».
He is since convinced these two sujects are key factors of a successfull and sustainable digital transformation, as you have to act with people through a «reinvented organization » [1] and chose technologies you are able to control.
He is a cross-entreprises cooperation activist on Open Source : President of TOSIT (The Open Source I Trust) [2], Vice-President of the « French-Speaking PostgreSQL Cross-Enterprise Work Group » [3] and active stakeholder in the "OpenRail Association" [4].

  1. https://www.reinventingorganizations.com
  2. http://entreprises.postgresql.fr
  3. https://tosit.fr
  4. https://openrailassociation.org .


3 TOSIT's organizations trying to initiate different ways of financing or contributing strongly to open source
Simon Clavier, Gilles Viton, Frédéric Pied

This presentation will focused on the return of experience of 3 organizations of TOSIT association :

MAIF : 1. Funding of individual developers and 2. Creation in open rather inner source (mélusine, shapash...)

SNCF : 1. Creation of PostgreSQL.fr interentreprises 2. Major investment in TOSIT 3. Co-creation of open rail Foundation

ORANGE : Establishment of a network of 15 partners based on recurring annual budgets such as maintenance to sustain support for Orange and in turn, for the open source ecosystem.

Financing open source and commons
Main stage