Stefane Fermigier
Stefane Fermigier is a French tech entrepreneur and open source advocate. He is the founder and CEO of Abilian, a company which develops enterprise information management solutions based on open source software. Previously, he founded Nuxeo in 2000, a company which was sold in 2021 for $M150. A graduate of ENS Paris (now called ENS PSL), he holds a PhD in mathematics from Paris 7 University (now called University of Paris).
He has cofounded and led - as president/chairman, co-president/co-chairman or vice-president - several organisations dedicated to developing the open source ecosystem in France and Europe:
- EUCLIDIA (2021)
- APELL (2020)
- The PyData Paris / PyParis conference (2014)
- CNLL (2010), the French National Council of Free / Open Source Companies.
- GTLL (2007), the business and innovation cluster for open source in the Paris Region (part of the Systematic Paris Region cluster).
- The Open World Forum / Paris Open Source Summit (2008), yearly conference dedicated to open source and "open everything" in Paris.
- EuroLinux (2000), a federation of European open source associations, that was formed to fight software patents between 2000 and 2005.
- AFUL (1998), the french-speaking Linux and free software users association.
He's also the founder or a cofounder of several open source projects, including:
- 2024: Hop3 (Python-based self-hosted cloud platform)
- 2021: NUA (Python and Docker based self-hosted cloud platform)
- 2016: Olapy (Python based business analytics)
- 2012: Abilian SBE (Python based social business platform)
- 2009: Apache Stanbol (content analysis)
- 2009: Apache Chemistry (CMIS implementation in several languages)
- 2007: Nuxeo EP (Java based ECM platform)
- 2002: Nuxeo CPS (Python based collaboration suite)
In this debate we will explore the impact of the new forthcoming European regulation and notably the CRA (Cyber Resilience Act) on OW2 projects and open source projects in general. How projects will be able to ensure that their downstream consumers can comply with the CE Mark requirement? We will also address more largely the state of the European standard system.