Frédéric Pied
Head of IT modernization program & Head of opensource strategy at MAIF.
Founded 85 years ago, MAIF has developed a human-centred mutual insurance model. Each member is both insurer and insured. This singularity has been reflected since our origins in our organization, our missions, our actions. We offer a different, responsible and efficient model, based on trust. Our opensource strategy cover 4 challenges : promotion of opensources solutions instead of private licenced solutions, contribution to opensource project that we use, edition of opensource solutions ( and contribution to opensource usages developpement in French big compagnies.
This presentation will focused on the return of experience of 3 organizations of TOSIT association :
MAIF : 1. Funding of individual developers and 2. Creation in open rather inner source (mélusine, shapash...)
SNCF : 1. Creation of interentreprises 2. Major investment in TOSIT 3. Co-creation of open rail Foundation
ORANGE : Establishment of a network of 15 partners based on recurring annual budgets such as maintenance to sustain support for Orange and in turn, for the open source ecosystem.